Walton Goggins Interview
About Interview:
Below The Belt Show (www.belowthebeltshow.com) goes to the vault for never before released interviews from 2019 Sundance Film Festival! In conjunction with Click On This, (www.clickonthis.tv) Al Sotto presents an on-location interview with actor Walton Goggins at the Creative Coalition (thecreativecoalition.org) at their "Teacher's Make a Difference Luncheon." Walton introduces his acting coach who has helped his career as well as talks about his Sundance film "Them That Follow"! We also ask Walton what it's like to be a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with his role in Ant-Man and the Wasp 2! Now you can see Walton in the CBS sitcom The Unicorn! (from May 6, 2020 Show)
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