Juliet Landau Interview
About Interview:
Below The Belt Show (www.belowthebeltshow.com) presents a spooktacular interview just in time for Halloween with actress Juliet Landau, best known for her role as Drusilla in Buffy The Vampire Slayer! Juliet is promoting her directorial debut, a scripted mocumentary style film, "A Place Among The Dead". In addition to directing, Juliet wrote, produced and starred in the film as well! We talk to Juliet about the challenges faced wearing many hats in the film, Buffy Easter eggs and references, procuring celebrity cameos in Gary Oldman, Joss Whedon, Anne Rice, Ron Perlman and more! We also ask Juliet's thoughts on a Buffy sequel film or series! Don't miss this exclusive interview! (from October 28, 2020 Show)